Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our Friends

Today is Sweetest Day and yes, it screams Hallmark Holiday & not a real holiday. I did buy the DH a card and I am buying him a Willow Tree that will go perfectly in Baby E's nursery.

Today also reminds me of all my friends. All of the friends that haven't left my side through this pregnancy. The ones that call or text to make sure I am doing okay because they know sometimes I am not. The ones that send me advice on what items to buy or things to do when she arrives. I cannot forget the one that said for the last few weeks, do something for yourself once a week. I am so thankful for these people. I am lucky to have them around even if we are miles apart from each other.

Today also reminds me of the people who haven't spoken to me since I have gotten pregnant. Why did this happen? Because we are on different paths or just not meant to be in the next chapter of life together. I am not going to start naming people but its true. Out of my 6 bridesmaids, I have a relationship with all of them except for one. My sister and I are closer than we have been in years (so this should be in the positive category). I do miss the one bridesmaid that I haven't talked to but that is life according to one of my best friends from grammar school. And I have accepted this.

I hope and pray that Baby E doesn't have to go through what her daddy and I went through with our friends. I think a part of my DH misses his guy friends from high school. But knows that God has blessed him with some really amazing ones such as his best man, fantasy football friends and cannot forget one of my favorites - our school's summer speech path. Because the DH and I teach summer school every year (except for this coming!!), we have built this friendship with the speech path. We have been introduced to his wife and their handsome little son. And just last week, I went shopping with his wife and their son while our husbands were at a football game together. The DH and I feel so blessed to have friends who have babies or toddlers because they know things that the DH and I don't know yet. I love hearing their advice and knowing they will always be there to support us.

The DH and I are so blessed to have a loving family that might be crazy at times but they are crazy for you, Baby E. We are blessed to have the friends who haven't left our side through this pregnancy or other challenges we have faced.

Today, I want to say thank you to all of you and remember that we love you.

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