Sunday, October 23, 2011

36 Weeks - OH MY!!

How far along?: 36 Weeks - Will be full term at the end of this week!!
How big is baby? Weighs as much as a crenshaw melon (6pds - gaining 1 oz/day)
Weight gain/loss?: Let's see I have gained a pound from my 33 week appt to my 35 week appt. We will see what happens this week. :)
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: Maternity clothes all the way.
Sleep?: Sleep through most of the night unless I have to pee... Which is like 2x to 3x/night and its normally around the time I have to get up. Thanks bladder & baby girl.
Food cravings?: fresh/frozen fruit, tuna casserole (I used to hate it, now I eat it more)
Movement?: There's movement going on. She is definitely getting into a schedule.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: I'm not sure if its going to pop or not.
What are you looking forward to this week?: 2 more shots to go!! The DH and I are having a nice dinner on Thursday. :) Also on Tuesday, we are going to the doctor together. Cannot wait to see what they have to say. Also I'm hoping they check me internally. They were supposed to do that last week but there was so much going on.

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