Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Last Day!!! (insert happy dance & smile & tears)

Well today, friends, is our last day. I wanted to say my last day but I knew it wasn't the right word to use. It is our last day - the DH had to take out our second to last syringe and fill it with progesterone (we have one extra to use next time). This was the last time that I had to feel that pain/burning sensation/knot in my rear. It was such an amazing/scary/exciting/overwhelming feeling because we know that the shots are over with and now the waiting begins. We are waiting for our baby girl. How freakin' awesome is that!

Today I wanted to bring some of my friends/co-workers that I used to eat with (half day doesn't allow me to anymore) a dessert. Just to say thank you for supporting me, for supporting us. I will be making something gluten-free so that one co-worker especially can enjoy the dessert (goal is to share it with them next week).

One of my friends put a ? on my facebook status last night... So I thought I would share why this dinner is so important tonight. What are we celebrating? We are celebrating the end of the shots. All 66 shots and over 3 months of progesterone pills (post-peak phase & 2.5 months ago when I started the pills up again). We're celebrating the end of something that has been hard and not easy on either one of us.

So the next big thing we get to celebrate is the birth of our baby girl and that is the best feeling/emotion a mother and father can feel. (You have been preparing for this for months.)

To our friends who have supported us.. You know who you are. You know that it hasn't been easy for the DH and I. But you have been there and haven't left. We thank you for that. We pray to God about each and every one of you that have been there for us. Cheering, supporting and praying for us during these past 9 months. You will never really know how much it meant to us. We love you.

So here's to the last shot and a new beginning. God, You are so amazing. Thank you so much for blessing us with this baby girl. We are patiently awaiting her arrival.

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