Friday, May 20, 2011

An Update

Yesterday we went to the doctor... We found out my sugar levels are normal. Nothing to worry about it. Talked about how to decrease my Zofran from 8mg to 4mg.... Praying my morning sickness goes away so I don't have to use it. The DH had so many good questions to ask about us traveling in the next few weeks. And he is dying to know the sex of the baby. I am too. :) The doctor said the next appointment we will have a sono, just to see the baby & hear the heartbeat. The following appointment we will know the sex. So if you do the math, the week of my birthday we will find out if we are having a girl or boy. I'm still just saying I want one healthy baby.

Speaking of one healthy baby, the heartbeat was in the 150's yesterday. The doctor also said that my uterus is moving up so that means the baby is growing!!! :) She forgot to mention so is my tummy. :) Its quite beautiful.

God is so great!!!!!

So next appointment is on June 17. Please keep us in your prayers... My counts still need to get higher. And that the baby continues to grow into a healthy baby.

Thank you for all the encouraging words, prayers and advice. We are so blessed.

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