Monday, May 30, 2011

15 Weeks Of Complete Joy

How far along?: 15 Weeks!! :) :)
How big is baby?: Size of navel orange and/or apple - Pick a fruit. LOL.
Weight gain/loss?: Well I have been at a constant weight for the past couple weeks. :)
Stretch marks?: Actually none on my stomach but my boobs have some... Also anyone have an itchy belly sometimes? I feel my skin is itchy.
Maternity clothes?: Regular clothes with Be-Band. Though I have a feeling I will need to start wearing maternity pants soon or just sweats. LOL.
Sleep?: Still not great...
Food cravings?: Not really... Still not liking pizza or spaghetti
Movement?: Looking forward to that day. None that I can feel. Hopefully we see some movement at the next appointment.
Gender?: Still just want one healthy baby. Unknown for right now.
Belly button?: None.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Being one week closer to the next dr appt... Week 17 is closer!! :)

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