Monday, May 2, 2011

Stomach Flu?

Well yesterday did mark the start of the 11th week of my pregnancy. Thinking my day was going to be running smoothly. I showered and got Zoey ready for her kennel so I could run some errands. Unfortunately, ladies and gents, I got sick. So there went that plan. So I took Zoey out and went to pick up lunch. I ate lunch and got sick. This is not a pattern I wanted to start.

The DH came home early from grad school and I was so thankful.

Later in the afternoon, we picked up the dishwasher. I was thinking I will try a blueberry muffin. I ate two because they went down fine and tasted amazing. This worked for about two hours. I went back to the department store to order our new stove and hood. Came home and got sick. And the DH wasn't here (our family friend came over to help the DH with the dishwasher). Sadness. At least Zoey was here to lay next to me.

Well I could continue telling you that I got sick all night. It sucked. I ended up calling the dr at 4:30am. He said to try ice chips and popsicles. The DH got up and went to our local store. Well I kept one of the two popsicles down and I still felt weak before the DH went to work.

Finally at 8am, the Dr's office was open and I got to talk to someone I knew. Didn't really know the doctor who called me at 4:30am. They were so nice and told me the baby was going to be okay. I needed to take it easy and they were going to prescribe some medicine for me. I have had one pill so far and I have kept the gatorade down!! Thank you Jesus.

I keep praying to St. Gerard, St. Hannah and Blessed JPII.

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