Sunday, May 1, 2011

11 weeks - What a Miracle

How far along?: 11 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a lime
Weight gain/loss?: Maybe a pound or two.
Stretch marks?: No stretch marks. Seeing lots of blue lines around my body.... Just more veins sending blood where it needs to go.
Maternity clothes?: Not yet... Too soon. Feel fat. And I officially do not button my pants. Rubberband anyone? Its so funny. Also, this week, some of my closest co-workers are saying I am getting a tummy (more rounded, of course).
Food cravings?: Not really.
Gender?: The DH wants a boy. I'm praying for one healthy baby.
Movement?: Not really... Too too soon.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Having my belly grow and grow. We go back to the doctor on May 19th. :) And I just keep praying he or she is doing well.

**I need to stop living in fear. I need to continue leaning on God. DH has been so positive and hopeful.

***If you read this, please pray for the C family & the B family. That God continues to give comfort to the C family during this time of mourning. And for the B family that they can lean on God and give all their fears to God. So they can let go and enjoy this pregnancy.

****Pictures of my belly to come.

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