Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shots of Hope

So I am in week 15.. So that means roughly 10 weeks of shots. I would say that most hurt but lately they haven't. I'm not gonna say my butt is getting used to it. Because c'mon, how could it could get used to a needle injecting a thick substance that could burn? But its getting better lately.

In another week, I will have another blood test. I'm just asking for prayers that I can have another week of good news. Though I have the DH to get me through if the counts go down again. I'm being optimistic... So here's to the counts go up.

Monday, May 30, 2011

15 Weeks Of Complete Joy

How far along?: 15 Weeks!! :) :)
How big is baby?: Size of navel orange and/or apple - Pick a fruit. LOL.
Weight gain/loss?: Well I have been at a constant weight for the past couple weeks. :)
Stretch marks?: Actually none on my stomach but my boobs have some... Also anyone have an itchy belly sometimes? I feel my skin is itchy.
Maternity clothes?: Regular clothes with Be-Band. Though I have a feeling I will need to start wearing maternity pants soon or just sweats. LOL.
Sleep?: Still not great...
Food cravings?: Not really... Still not liking pizza or spaghetti
Movement?: Looking forward to that day. None that I can feel. Hopefully we see some movement at the next appointment.
Gender?: Still just want one healthy baby. Unknown for right now.
Belly button?: None.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Being one week closer to the next dr appt... Week 17 is closer!! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 14 Progesterone

1st Draw: 14.9 (when we first found out we were pregnant - 4 weeks pregnant)
2nd Draw: 11.7 (6 weeks pregnant)
3rd Draw: 13.7 (8 weeks pregnant)
4th Draw: 17.6 (10 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 20!!!!
5th Draw: 15.4 (12 weeks pregnant) - Still closer to 20 but not where it needs to be.
6th Draw: 23.9 (14 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! So close to Zone 2.

We are so thankful that my body is gradually producing progesterone. The shots still hurt. My butt looks like a pin cushion according to the DH. Also, wherever the DH injects the solution, a knot usually forms and I have a black and blue mark by the morning after.

We're just glad that Baby E is doing great and growing. We go back to the doctor on June 17th for my 17 week appointment. We are excited that we get to see our baby on the screen again and hear its beautiful heart beat. And possibly move/kick. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of the First Trimester... Beginning of Second Trimester. :)

How far along?: 14 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a lemon
Weight gain/loss?: I have stayed roughly the same since the last appointment.
Stretch marks?: None
Maternity clothes?: A combination of my old jeans and shirts and be bands... No real maternity clothes quite yet.
Sleep?: Still not great... I have the pillows and what not... Still cannot get comfortable.
Food cravings?: None so far....
Movement?: Other than hearing some movement last week... I will not be feeling anything right now.
Gender?: We won't know until my birthday. A little anxious but I know God is preparing us for our little miracle. :)
Belly button?: Its the same. :)
What are you looking forward to this week?: My belly to keep growing. I go for a blood test tomorrow. I wish my progesterone would start kicking in... Just hoping the placenta starts producing it so I don't have to have all the shots.

Friday, May 20, 2011

An Update

Yesterday we went to the doctor... We found out my sugar levels are normal. Nothing to worry about it. Talked about how to decrease my Zofran from 8mg to 4mg.... Praying my morning sickness goes away so I don't have to use it. The DH had so many good questions to ask about us traveling in the next few weeks. And he is dying to know the sex of the baby. I am too. :) The doctor said the next appointment we will have a sono, just to see the baby & hear the heartbeat. The following appointment we will know the sex. So if you do the math, the week of my birthday we will find out if we are having a girl or boy. I'm still just saying I want one healthy baby.

Speaking of one healthy baby, the heartbeat was in the 150's yesterday. The doctor also said that my uterus is moving up so that means the baby is growing!!! :) She forgot to mention so is my tummy. :) Its quite beautiful.

God is so great!!!!!

So next appointment is on June 17. Please keep us in your prayers... My counts still need to get higher. And that the baby continues to grow into a healthy baby.

Thank you for all the encouraging words, prayers and advice. We are so blessed.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

belly and a friend

Well my belly is getting bigger.. Thanks to this precious baby growing inside of me. It is an amazing miracle and blessing. The DH and I are just loving it. :)

I wanted to also write about my friend Rachael. She is a great Catholic mother of two beautiful boys. Rachael is also married to my friend Brian who I have known for years because of youth group events and Naz Farm. Rachael has been my support during this whole pregnancy. She gets what I am going through because she has been through the same thing. Rachael is always there to remind me just how wonderful God is. She also reminds me that I need to breath. And it is okay to vent and just pray. She also tries to help me stop WORRYING, something I have had difficulty with.

The DH and I are going to spend a weekend in Indy in October with Rachael, Brian and their beautiful boys.

I'm lucky to know that I have friends and a fabulous family that have been with us through this journey. And it is exciting to know that in less than 190 days, we will be holding our precious little miracle.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 13!!! :)

How far along?: 13 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a peach
Weight gain/loss?: Maybe four pounds now. Rounder tummy.
Stretch marks?: No stretch marks on my tummy yet. Seeing lots of blue lines around my body.... Just more veins sending blood where it needs to go.
Maternity clothes?: I officially wear a be-band with my unbuttoned pants.
Food cravings?: Not really.
Gender?: I'm praying for one healthy baby. We hope to find out in a few weeks.
Movement?: Not really... Too too soon.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Having my belly grow and grow. We go back to the doctor on Thursday!!!! :)

Progesterone during Week 12

1st Draw: 14.9 (when we first found out we were pregnant)
2nd Draw: 11.7 (two weeks after that)
3rd Draw: 13.7 (two weeks ago)
4th Draw: 17.6 (two & half weeks ago) - Closer to 20!!!!
5th Draw: 15.4 (last Monday) - Still closer to 20 but not where it needs to be.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rough Day

Rough day.... And I am so thankful for my amazing husband and family. Also could not get through this without my friend R. She is one of my friends' wives. She is a wonderful mother to two boys. She has gone through what I have been going through. And did I mention I love her company?

No one really knows what it feels like. They only say oh ok and we will pray for you.

No one truly understands how it feels to get a shot, praying that your progesterone goes up so that the baby is healthy and growing.

Maybe that is why we haven't posted it on Facebook yet. It is something we are so excited about.

Just so many thoughts.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Prayers Please!!

Tomorrow I go for another draw. I am a little nervous because my count was higher last time. And I know so many people are praying for my counts. It is just hard to fully give that over to God.

Will keep everyone posted when we get the results later in the week.

Thank you.

12 Weeks and counting!!

How far along?: 12 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a plum
Weight gain/loss?: Maybe a pound or two. Definitely have a rounder tummy
Stretch marks?: Seeing lots of blue lines around my body.... Just more veins sending blood where it needs to go.
Maternity clothes?: I officially wear a be-band with my unbuttoned pants. (Some of my friends say that my tummy is more round than before. So we will see about maternity clothes. LOL.)
Food cravings?: Not really.
Gender?: I'm praying for one healthy baby.
Movement?: Not really... Too too soon.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Having my belly grow and grow. We go back to the doctor on May 19th. :) And I just keep praying he or she is doing well.

And the DH, bless his heart, told me that I am getting a tummy. Or at least he is noticing the changes too. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

11 Week Morning Sickness

Dear 11 Weeks of Pregnancy-

I was so excited to know that I am getting closer to the end of the first trimester. Unfortunately, you would like to add more of the morning sickness to my daily life (not just in the morning). Sunday and Monday were painful. Tuesday I had nothing. Since Wednesday, the pain and sickness has not left my side. Please know we are going to Chicago this weekend and I would like to be able to see my family and friends.

Just think about it. And please leave before I start week 12 of my pregnancy.

Thank you,

P.S. The DH has been wonderful through all of this. He even went to Walmart at 5am Monday morning.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stomach Flu?

Well yesterday did mark the start of the 11th week of my pregnancy. Thinking my day was going to be running smoothly. I showered and got Zoey ready for her kennel so I could run some errands. Unfortunately, ladies and gents, I got sick. So there went that plan. So I took Zoey out and went to pick up lunch. I ate lunch and got sick. This is not a pattern I wanted to start.

The DH came home early from grad school and I was so thankful.

Later in the afternoon, we picked up the dishwasher. I was thinking I will try a blueberry muffin. I ate two because they went down fine and tasted amazing. This worked for about two hours. I went back to the department store to order our new stove and hood. Came home and got sick. And the DH wasn't here (our family friend came over to help the DH with the dishwasher). Sadness. At least Zoey was here to lay next to me.

Well I could continue telling you that I got sick all night. It sucked. I ended up calling the dr at 4:30am. He said to try ice chips and popsicles. The DH got up and went to our local store. Well I kept one of the two popsicles down and I still felt weak before the DH went to work.

Finally at 8am, the Dr's office was open and I got to talk to someone I knew. Didn't really know the doctor who called me at 4:30am. They were so nice and told me the baby was going to be okay. I needed to take it easy and they were going to prescribe some medicine for me. I have had one pill so far and I have kept the gatorade down!! Thank you Jesus.

I keep praying to St. Gerard, St. Hannah and Blessed JPII.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

11 weeks - What a Miracle

How far along?: 11 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a lime
Weight gain/loss?: Maybe a pound or two.
Stretch marks?: No stretch marks. Seeing lots of blue lines around my body.... Just more veins sending blood where it needs to go.
Maternity clothes?: Not yet... Too soon. Feel fat. And I officially do not button my pants. Rubberband anyone? Its so funny. Also, this week, some of my closest co-workers are saying I am getting a tummy (more rounded, of course).
Food cravings?: Not really.
Gender?: The DH wants a boy. I'm praying for one healthy baby.
Movement?: Not really... Too too soon.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Having my belly grow and grow. We go back to the doctor on May 19th. :) And I just keep praying he or she is doing well.

**I need to stop living in fear. I need to continue leaning on God. DH has been so positive and hopeful.

***If you read this, please pray for the C family & the B family. That God continues to give comfort to the C family during this time of mourning. And for the B family that they can lean on God and give all their fears to God. So they can let go and enjoy this pregnancy.

****Pictures of my belly to come.