Sunday, November 27, 2011

41 Weeks... OH MY

Let me explain why this is one of the last posts until she arrives!!! Today/tonight is the big day... We are going to start the induction process. I'm on this rollercoaster of emotions.

So let me leave you with this......

How far along?: 41 Weeks
How big is baby? Watermelon. :) - The DH said my stomach looked bigger last night.
Weight gain/loss?: I don't even want to worry about my weight... We're waiting for this baby!!
Stretch marks?: I think because she has been cooking for so long that I have finally started to get stretch marks on the lower part of my tummy. I'm not really excited about this. But thankfully she will be out and I can start working out when the dr gives me the okay.
Maternity clothes?: Maternity clothes all the way.
Sleep?: Sleep (YEAH RIGHT) - Sleep is not even possible. Or getting comfortable enough to sleep for a few hours.
Food cravings?: I will eat whatever I can keep down right now. Got sick a lot this past week... Had to breakdown and take a Zofran (YUCK).
Movement?: She definitely moves around, just not as intense as before (she's getting bigger). She is definitely getting into a schedule and sometimes worries me. Sleeping while I am going about my day. Then moving while I am trying to sleep.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: I feel like a turkey... POP.
What are you looking forward to this week?: We get to hold our baby girl in the next few days!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

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