Sunday, November 6, 2011

38 Weeks & Going Strong!! :)

How far along?: 38 Weeks
How big is baby? Measures from head to heel (like a leek)
Weight gain/loss?: I don't believe I have gained anything from 34 week to present!! Thanks to the nurses for telling me this great news!
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: Maternity clothes all the way.
Sleep?: Sleep (YEAH RIGHT)
Food cravings?: fresh/frozen fruit, tuna casserole (I used to hate it, now I eat it more)
Movement?: She definitely moves around, just not as intense as before (she's getting bigger). She is definitely getting into a schedule and sometimes worries me.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Sometimes it looks like its popped and sometimes it hasn't.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Our appointment is Thursday afternoon. We will see what kind of process has been made cuz I'm gonna ask for another internal exam (which could be a good thing or bad thing?)

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