Wednesday, November 23, 2011

40 Weeks Dr Appt

Hello readers!! Yesterday was the day we went to the doctor. We had a sono to see how much fluid was in there. Normally it is 10.0.... mine is 8.5. The doctor said it was because I am 40 weeks and that it is okay. She also said that they were not doing a non-stress test because the baby passed the biophysical profile with flying colors - mostly looking for movement and breathing. When we got to talk more to Dr. S., she checked my cervix and there was nothing. It was so painful - having someone's hand up your you know what. Its not a walk in the park especially when she is pressing down. I grabbed the DH's hand and I swear I put my nails in his hand. Though he says I didn't. After the exam, we talked more.... More like when we are going to get induced, what's the process and what kind of drugs am I going to have. So here it goes..... Cervidil and Pitocin. One is used to soften the cervix and the other is to start contractions. (Though the nurse said to me today that sometimes after talking to patients like me, they are in the hospital within a few days before induction).

My Birth Plan

In my birth plan, I have laid out important things that I want to happen. The nurse from our hospital said everything should be fine unless it goes against medical beliefs (or something like that). I promised her it would not... Just basic things such as the L&D room is only for the DH and me. I don't even want my momma in there. Yes, I know that sounds bad. But I just want my husband. After having her, I want as much skin to skin as possible before they take her to the nursery to get her first bath and all that stuff. I want a sacred hour before visitors come. Though I did find out that anyone can visit the first night (we will see how I feel about this one). After the first day, they have to follow normal visiting hours. With visiting hours, I have said that I don't want anyone in my room while I am trying to breastfeed because I am not a pro at this yet. And don't need people looking at me while I am trying to feed my baby. I also just want the DH to spend the nights at the hospital, no one else.

That's what I know right now. Its crazy. Its exciting. And sometimes I am a wreck with all of these emotions.

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