Thursday, September 29, 2011

100th Post

Dear Baby Girl,

I wonder how you are doing inside of me. You amaze your daddy and I with every move you make. Most nights, I stare at my tummy and see you move an arm, leg or elbow across my stomach. And tonight, it brought me to tears.

God has blessed your daddy and I with you. And even though we cannot hold you, we can see you move. And in a few weeks, we will see you again on a computer screen. It is so surreal that you will be here soon. Less than 55 days to be exact (unless you decide to gracious with your presence early - which your mommy would love (if you are full term, of course)). And you will learn too, that your mommy loves a countdown.

Let me tell you about your room..... Your room is a pretty pink and green (thanks to daddy & our friend D) with a perfect crib for you to sleep in/grown into (yay for 4-in-1 crib). Your daddy put together everything in your room (crib, dresser & toy chest). He did a wonderful job, you will see one day. It also has a comfy glider for your mommy and daddy to sleep in too when you need us the most.

Your closet and dresser are full of clothes. You might not fit into some right now but you will one day. Also please know that your grandparents (you have two sets of them) are so excited for you. You will always have clothes and toys to play with. So don't you worry.

We are so excited to meet you soon and see you grow into a beautiful woman. Just not too fast, okay. :)

Please know that your mommy & daddy love you so much. And pray that the next 55 days(ish) fly by. We cannot wait to hold you, cuddle with you and hug you (There are probably other things too... Just a few that came to mind).

Love you lots,
Your Mommy & Daddy

PS You are the best thing that has happened to us. God IS amazing and shows us daily that anything is possible if you believe.

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