Tuesday, September 20, 2011

31 Weeks Appt

Today we met with Dr. M. We have never met this doctor before so it was quite interesting.

Dr. M. measured me at 32 weeks even though I am 31 weeks & 2 days. I asked if it would change my due date and he said no. It just helps give the doctor an idea on how big your baby may be. Dr. M. also said that the heart rate was 136. And he asked if we were having a girl or boy. I said girl and he didn't say anything else after that.

We were able to ask questions... So we talked about who would deliver the baby and what not... esp since its our first. Dr. M. said we would go into the hospital and depending on if we wanted a midwife or doctor to deliver our baby.... If we went with a midwife, she would enter the picture during active labor. He didn't mention when a doctor would enter the picture (but I guess we can chat more about this at our next appt which is in TWO WEEKS!!). I'll be 33 weeks by then.

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