Friday, September 9, 2011

What a Night....

Last night around 2am, I woke up with this severe pressure and cramping... I went to the bathroom to make sure it wasn't anything to do with that. I was in the clear. The pain continued for about 5 hours. I was pumping liquids and doing my best to not get dehydrated.

This morning I did call off work because I wanted to see the doctor. I saw the doctor this morning and told them about everything (new discharge, pelvic pressure, cramping, movements, etc). Sorry if that is TMI but I had to tell the doctor everything.

She did several things... measured me. I'm measuring between 30 & 31 weeks. Heartbeat for the little one was 142. And then she had to an internal exam... YUCKY!! I hate feeling that. She had to check a few things.... I do not have a yeast infection and I am in the clear. My cervix is closed and up high. I am not dilated or anything.

I was scared though with the amount of pain I was in last night... Just glad it was nothing.

Please pray that Baby Girl stays where she needs to be for the next 10 weeks or so.

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