Thursday, August 11, 2011

Update on Progesterone

Today I finally got to see the doctor who put me on progesterone... I haven't seen her since March 2nd. So its been a while. Today we looked at my injections sites and discussed if/when I get to go off the shots.

Average woman can be taken off progesterone if her levels spike and stay high. This usually happens around weeks 28-32. Another note, some women are not taken off of the progesterone until they are full term. So you are talking around weeks 36/37.

So if you do the math, I am 25 weeks now. My levels have not spiked. So if by God's help, my levels spike in the next 7 weeks, I might be taken off. Or worst case scenario, I have another 11/12 weeks left of shots.

Please keep me in your prayers. You would think these shots would get easier but they haven't... Today, the DH had to give me two shots (The first one hit a vein and blood came into the syringe (insert lots of tears - quite painful) AND the second shot worked and I didn't feel it (THANK GOD).

On a side note, the nursery is finally painted the way we wanted it... Just took us two tries on the pink. I think we are happy with Colonial Rose and Apple 4. Pictures to come after we get everything in there.

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