Sunday, August 28, 2011

28 Weeks & The Start of the 3rd Trimester!!! :-D

How far along?: 28 Weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a Chinese cabbage
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better. We switched the mattress with the one in our guest bedroom. :)
Food cravings?: I do love slushies (The DH says this is one craving I cannot have enough of), creamy tomato soup from Panera, strawberry poppy seed salad from Panera, hamburgers, chicken, steak, pickles, cheerios & vitamin D milk and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's plenty of movement going on. The DH loves feeling her move.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... It still hasn't popped yet. LOL.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Starting the 3rd Trimester. Baby Shower #2 is next Sunday. :)

PS 9 weeks til we stop the shots & pills. Please pray for us... I go in tomorrow for a blood draw to see where my progesterone is. I hope and pray that it has gone up since I am getting lots of help.

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