Thursday, September 29, 2011

100th Post

Dear Baby Girl,

I wonder how you are doing inside of me. You amaze your daddy and I with every move you make. Most nights, I stare at my tummy and see you move an arm, leg or elbow across my stomach. And tonight, it brought me to tears.

God has blessed your daddy and I with you. And even though we cannot hold you, we can see you move. And in a few weeks, we will see you again on a computer screen. It is so surreal that you will be here soon. Less than 55 days to be exact (unless you decide to gracious with your presence early - which your mommy would love (if you are full term, of course)). And you will learn too, that your mommy loves a countdown.

Let me tell you about your room..... Your room is a pretty pink and green (thanks to daddy & our friend D) with a perfect crib for you to sleep in/grown into (yay for 4-in-1 crib). Your daddy put together everything in your room (crib, dresser & toy chest). He did a wonderful job, you will see one day. It also has a comfy glider for your mommy and daddy to sleep in too when you need us the most.

Your closet and dresser are full of clothes. You might not fit into some right now but you will one day. Also please know that your grandparents (you have two sets of them) are so excited for you. You will always have clothes and toys to play with. So don't you worry.

We are so excited to meet you soon and see you grow into a beautiful woman. Just not too fast, okay. :)

Please know that your mommy & daddy love you so much. And pray that the next 55 days(ish) fly by. We cannot wait to hold you, cuddle with you and hug you (There are probably other things too... Just a few that came to mind).

Love you lots,
Your Mommy & Daddy

PS You are the best thing that has happened to us. God IS amazing and shows us daily that anything is possible if you believe.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

32 Weeks & Progesterone Count

1st Draw: 14.9 (when we first found out we were pregnant - 4 weeks pregnant)
2nd Draw: 11.7 (6 weeks pregnant)
3rd Draw: 13.7 (8 weeks pregnant)
4th Draw: 17.6 (10 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 20!!!!
5th Draw: 15.4 (12 weeks pregnant) - Still closer to 20 but not where it needs to be.
6th Draw: 23.9 (14 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! So close to Zone 2.
7th Draw: 23.7 (16 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! Will hear back from the doctor tomorrow because she wasn't in today. :)
8th Draw: 26.3 (18 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 30 and I thought I was in the 27's before and that it went down... Man, I need to be more optimistic there. I am happy to say that my count is above 25 and getting closer to 30.
9th Draw: 30.4 (20 weeks pregnant) - It is over 30 people!!! Amen to that.
10th Draw: 32.4 (22 weeks pregnant) - It is going up!!! But not as high as I would like it.
11th Draw: 33.3 (24 weeks pregnant) - It is going up but because of the infection in my body... I swear that's why it didn't go up more. We are thankful/blessed/grateful that it is going up... It is still painful and looking forward to seeing my doctor on Thursday to discuss our options since I am in 25 weeks now.
12th Draw: 31.3 (26 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone went down and I am on the verge of crying. We have a phone call out to the dr who prescribed the shots. We are thankful though that it is still above 30. AMEN to that.
13th Draw: 56.6 (28 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone has gone up (a whole 25.3 points)!!!!!!! Been on the shots since 4 weeks pregnant & with the progesterone pills for only 1.5 weeks!! God is so good... And we are so thankful that it has gone up.
14th Draw: 62.3 (30 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone almost went up 6 points!!! Tomorrow I will hear back from the doctor to see if they are going to change my dosage.
15th Draw: 85.8 (32 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone went up 23.5 points!!! Praise the Lord!!!! On a high note, if that wasn't high enough for you, I am officially in ZONE 2!!!!!! I am only in Zone 2 by 5 points but its an amazing feeling to finally have. And on another high note, my shots are going from 2CCs to 1CCs!!!! YAY!! I am still taking the pills. It was either that or just stay on 2CCs and drop the pills. The DH and I are quite excited about this!!!

Things I wish I knew......

Why my body isn't producing enough progesterone? I mean I have two shots in my rear every week and take compound progesterone pills.

Why is it that my mother in law and mother cannot get along? Or why my mother thinks she needs to control everything? Sorry Mom, I love you but it is true.

Wondering why my dog was so interested in my Apple MacBook power cord that she chewed it?

**Will be adding more later.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baby Girl & Momma - 13 Weeks & 32 Weeks

32 Weeks & Counting

How far along?: 32 Weeks - YAY!!
How big is baby? Weighs as much as a jicama
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and maternity shirts. My belly is getting bigger.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better. Combination of a firm bed and progesterone pills at night.
Food cravings?: I do love creamy tomato soup from Panera, strawberry poppy seed salad from Panera, hamburgers, chicken, steak, pickles, cheerios & vitamin D milk and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's plenty of movement going on. Its so beautiful.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... It still hasn't popped yet. LOL.
What are you looking forward to this week?: 10 more shots to go!!! Getting my blood work done this week. Please send prayers this way.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

31 Weeks Appt

Today we met with Dr. M. We have never met this doctor before so it was quite interesting.

Dr. M. measured me at 32 weeks even though I am 31 weeks & 2 days. I asked if it would change my due date and he said no. It just helps give the doctor an idea on how big your baby may be. Dr. M. also said that the heart rate was 136. And he asked if we were having a girl or boy. I said girl and he didn't say anything else after that.

We were able to ask questions... So we talked about who would deliver the baby and what not... esp since its our first. Dr. M. said we would go into the hospital and depending on if we wanted a midwife or doctor to deliver our baby.... If we went with a midwife, she would enter the picture during active labor. He didn't mention when a doctor would enter the picture (but I guess we can chat more about this at our next appt which is in TWO WEEKS!!). I'll be 33 weeks by then.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

31 Weeks

How far along?: 31 Weeks
How big is baby? Weighs as much as 4 navel oranges (try carrying that around)
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and maternity shirts. My belly is getting bigger. The DH jokes me that when I wear regular shirts around that my tummy hangs out a little. LOL.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better. Combination of a firm bed and progesterone pills at night.
Food cravings?: I do love creamy tomato soup from Panera, strawberry poppy seed salad from Panera, hamburgers, chicken, steak, pickles, cheerios & vitamin D milk and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's plenty of movement going on. Its so beautiful.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... It still hasn't popped yet. LOL.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Seeing my doctor and praying everything is going great. I also want to see what I am measuring.

Here is a picture of our cute diaper bag (will upload it later) & the story of how we found it... Two of our friends & their little one went to the Fest with us this weekend... And I told the mom I didn't have a diaper bag. She said that we needed to go shopping for one. Well the next tent we went in, we found the perfect one. It has the alphabet all over it and is made in a great material that wipes off easily. Perfect for two teachers.

My Tummy at 31 Weeks & 2 Days

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Doctor knows best.

After getting my progesterone results this week, the DH and I waited patiently to hear what the dr had to say about the results. So today, I got the phone call and wanted to hear that we could go down to one shot and pills. Unfortunately we were too optimistic, I guess. They still want us to do two shots a week with the pills.

And so I was playing devil's advocate and called back. I wanted to know what my progesterone should be without medication. My progesterone should be 102. So yes, before I wasn't even close to this number and this week, I am closer to the 102. Unfortunately that is what my progesterone should be this week. The number will change in a few weeks and I am not sure if my progesterone will ever reach that.

Sorry if this all over the place, its an emotional topic for me.

Please pray for the DH, the baby and me as we go through the next few weeks.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

30 Week Progesterone

1st Draw: 14.9 (when we first found out we were pregnant - 4 weeks pregnant)
2nd Draw: 11.7 (6 weeks pregnant)
3rd Draw: 13.7 (8 weeks pregnant)
4th Draw: 17.6 (10 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 20!!!!
5th Draw: 15.4 (12 weeks pregnant) - Still closer to 20 but not where it needs to be.
6th Draw: 23.9 (14 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! So close to Zone 2.
7th Draw: 23.7 (16 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! Will hear back from the doctor tomorrow because she wasn't in today. :)
8th Draw: 26.3 (18 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 30 and I thought I was in the 27's before and that it went down... Man, I need to be more optimistic there. I am happy to say that my count is above 25 and getting closer to 30.
9th Draw: 30.4 (20 weeks pregnant) - It is over 30 people!!! Amen to that.
10th Draw: 32.4 (22 weeks pregnant) - It is going up!!! But not as high as I would like it.
11th Draw: 33.3 (24 weeks pregnant) - It is going up but because of the infection in my body... I swear that's why it didn't go up more. We are thankful/blessed/grateful that it is going up... It is still painful and looking forward to seeing my doctor on Thursday to discuss our options since I am in 25 weeks now.
12th Draw: 31.3 (26 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone went down and I am on the verge of crying. We have a phone call out to the dr who prescribed the shots. We are thankful though that it is still above 30. AMEN to that.
13th Draw: 56.6 (28 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone has gone up (a whole 25.3 points)!!!!!!! Been on the shots since 4 weeks pregnant & with the progesterone pills for only 1.5 weeks!! God is so good... And we are so thankful that it has gone up.
14th Draw: 62.3 (30 weeks pregnant) - My progesterone almost went up 6 points!!! Tomorrow I will hear back from the doctor to see if they are going to change my dosage.

Please keep me in your prayers. Will keep you posted.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

30 weeks!!!!!

How far along?: 30 Weeks
How big is baby? Size of a squash
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and maternity shirts. My belly is getting bigger.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better. Combination of a firm bed and progesterone pills at night.
Food cravings?: I do love slushies (The DH says this is one craving I cannot have enough of), creamy tomato soup from Panera, strawberry poppy seed salad from Panera, hamburgers, chicken, steak, pickles, cheerios & vitamin D milk and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's plenty of movement going on. Its so beautiful.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... It still hasn't popped yet. LOL.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Get my blood drawn this week. Looking forward to getting my results. Will post the results when we get them. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

What a Night....

Last night around 2am, I woke up with this severe pressure and cramping... I went to the bathroom to make sure it wasn't anything to do with that. I was in the clear. The pain continued for about 5 hours. I was pumping liquids and doing my best to not get dehydrated.

This morning I did call off work because I wanted to see the doctor. I saw the doctor this morning and told them about everything (new discharge, pelvic pressure, cramping, movements, etc). Sorry if that is TMI but I had to tell the doctor everything.

She did several things... measured me. I'm measuring between 30 & 31 weeks. Heartbeat for the little one was 142. And then she had to an internal exam... YUCKY!! I hate feeling that. She had to check a few things.... I do not have a yeast infection and I am in the clear. My cervix is closed and up high. I am not dilated or anything.

I was scared though with the amount of pain I was in last night... Just glad it was nothing.

Please pray that Baby Girl stays where she needs to be for the next 10 weeks or so.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baby Girl's New Carseat & Stroller

We officially bought the carseat and stroller tonight. It is a pretty blue pattern. I think it is great... The DH wanted a green & silver one but Babiesrus wasn't sure when they have it in next. And because I am so patient.... The DH just said to get the blue one.

So here it is.... Our new Chicco Travel System - Azura

Monday, September 5, 2011

29 Weeks!! :)

How far along?: 29 Weeks
How big is baby? Size of a squash
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. :) Thank you Bio-Oil!!
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts... Though someone very special to me took me shopping this weekend while in my hometown.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better. Combination of a firm bed and progesterone pills at night.
Food cravings?: I do love slushies (The DH says this is one craving I cannot have enough of), creamy tomato soup from Panera, strawberry poppy seed salad from Panera, hamburgers, chicken, steak, pickles, cheerios & vitamin D milk and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's plenty of movement going on. Its so beautiful.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... It still hasn't popped yet. LOL.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Baby Shower was on Sunday. It was amazing. I loved it. Being closer to being done with the shots and pills. 8 more weeks!! :)

**What I love: Everyone says my face looks normal and I just have a belly (that's where all the weight went). We will see if it changes when it gets closer to the due date. :)