Sunday, July 17, 2011

22 weeks, 18 weeks to go!

How far along?: 22 Weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a spaghetti squash
Weight gain/loss?: I have stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: None. I've been putting lotion on my tummy.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts. My Soma tank tops are getting shorter.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten a little rough.
Food cravings?: I do love mac'n'cheese, cashews, hamburgers, chicken, steak and ice cream... And pickles. Slushies have been added to the list. :)
Movement?: Some of the movement hasn't been as strong.
Gender?: We find out this week!!! :)
Belly button?: Its slightly changing. :)
What are you looking forward to this week?: Finding out the sex of the baby this week!!! Wednesday cannot come soon enough. :)

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