Sunday, July 31, 2011

24 Weeks, 16 Weeks to Go!

How far along?: 24 Weeks
How big is baby?: Size of an ear of corn (LOL)
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself. Just know that my butt and thighs are bigger... And my boobs still fit in my new bras. LOL.
Stretch marks?: Starting to see a few small stretch marks.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts
Sleep?: Sleep is alright... Not the greatest.
Food cravings?: I do love slushies, creamy tomato soup from Panera, strawberry poppy seed salad from Panera, hamburgers, chicken, steak and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's been movement especially when I'm trying to sleep.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... Not popping out yet. Closer than it was last week. LOL.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Getting closer to the end of the second trimester. :) PS The nursery has been painted... Now that we know that we are having a girl! :)

Our Wedding Anniversary

This weekend marked our first wedding anniversary. We have been married for one whole year, 365 days. :)

And to celebrate ..........We went to STL to celebrate with our friends who got married the week before us (July 24th). We went to a bar and waited for the rain to stop before going to the stadium. We had a mishap with tickets and we all sorta want to forget about it all. We did end up getting tickets for $20. We had a great time at the game. Just talking and watching the game together. After the game, we had dinner at the City Diner. It was a cool place and the meal was yummy too. After dinner, we got to meet their puppy. His name is Toby. I wanted to take him back to the hotel with us because I miss Zoey so much. If you are new to my blog, Zoey is our adorable 8 month old mastiff/black lab puppy. (I'm quite overprotective of her.) Our friends dropped us off at our hotel and we just chilled.

This morning we woke up and drove to Quincy. I have never been to Quincy, IL. It was quite an adventure. We met up with two other friends who were quite important on our wedding day. After spending most of our day with them, we drove home and had dinner.

I know our anniversary weekend might not sound amazing to other people.... It was quite perfect for us. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nursery Before Pictures

23 Weeks

How far along?: 23 Weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a large mango
Weight gain/loss?: Definitely stopped weighing myself. Just know that my butt and thighs are bigger... Finally went to get new bras at Soma and WOW... LOL.
Stretch marks?: Hmmm not on my stomach.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts
Sleep?: Sleep is alright... Not the greatest. Dr recommends me trying mediation. We will see about that.
Food cravings?: I do love slushies, hamburgers, chicken, steak and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: There's been movement especially when I'm trying to sleep.
Gender?: We have a beautiful baby girl growing inside me. :)
Belly button?: Its changing... Not popping out yet.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Getting closer to the end of the second trimester. :) PS The nursery has been painted... Now that we know that we are having a girl! :)

22 Weeks & 3 days = A Wonderful Blessing

We went for our 22 week appt last week.. Sorry I am running a little behind. The baby was healthy and growing. They said the baby was over a pound already... CRAZINESS. :) The tech lady said the baby showed everything in the first picture. They went through their checklist and finally we got to hear the news.

We are expecting a little GIRL!!!!!!!! :)

Couldn't be happier.

Here is one of the 3D pictures.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Progesterone Results are in for Week 22!! :)

1st Draw: 14.9 (when we first found out we were pregnant - 4 weeks pregnant)
2nd Draw: 11.7 (6 weeks pregnant)
3rd Draw: 13.7 (8 weeks pregnant)
4th Draw: 17.6 (10 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 20!!!!
5th Draw: 15.4 (12 weeks pregnant) - Still closer to 20 but not where it needs to be.
6th Draw: 23.9 (14 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! So close to Zone 2.
7th Draw: 23.7 (16 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! Will hear back from the doctor tomorrow because she wasn't in today. :)
8th Draw: 26.3 (18 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 30 and I thought I was in the 27's before and that it went down... Man, I need to be more optimistic there. I am happy to say that my count is above 25 and getting closer to 30.
9th Draw: 30.4 - It is over 30 people!!! Amen to that.
10th Draw: 32.4 - It is going up!!! But not as high as I would like it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

22 weeks & 1 day

Woke up this morning. Showered. Brushed my teeth. Got sick. ...not a great way to start the last week of summer school.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

22 weeks, 18 weeks to go!

How far along?: 22 Weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a spaghetti squash
Weight gain/loss?: I have stopped weighing myself.
Stretch marks?: None. I've been putting lotion on my tummy.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts. My Soma tank tops are getting shorter.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten a little rough.
Food cravings?: I do love mac'n'cheese, cashews, hamburgers, chicken, steak and ice cream... And pickles. Slushies have been added to the list. :)
Movement?: Some of the movement hasn't been as strong.
Gender?: We find out this week!!! :)
Belly button?: Its slightly changing. :)
What are you looking forward to this week?: Finding out the sex of the baby this week!!! Wednesday cannot come soon enough. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

21 Weeks (So Close to Finding Out the Sex)

How far along?: 21 Weeks (Over the halfway mark!!!)
How big is baby?: Size of a banana
Weight gain/loss?: Gained some weight.
Stretch marks?: None. I've been putting lotion on my tummy.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts. My Soma tank tops are getting shorter.
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better... and sleeping with lots of pillows.
Food cravings?: I do love mac'n'cheese, hamburgers, chicken, steak and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: More butterfly sensations against my belly. (Can't wait for them to get stronger. :) )
Gender?: Less than 1.5 weeks til we see our baby. A little anxious to find out if we are having a boy or a girl but I know God is preparing us for our little miracle. :)
Belly button?: Its slightly changing. :)
What are you looking forward to this week?: Just to keep growing and getting closer to finding out the sex of the baby.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Progesterone is over 30!!!!!

1st Draw: 14.9 (when we first found out we were pregnant - 4 weeks pregnant)
2nd Draw: 11.7 (6 weeks pregnant)
3rd Draw: 13.7 (8 weeks pregnant)
4th Draw: 17.6 (10 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 20!!!!
5th Draw: 15.4 (12 weeks pregnant) - Still closer to 20 but not where it needs to be.
6th Draw: 23.9 (14 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! So close to Zone 2.
7th Draw: 23.7 (16 weeks pregnant) - Over 20!!!! Will hear back from the doctor tomorrow because she wasn't in today. :)
8th Draw: 26.3 (18 weeks pregnant) - Closer to 30 and I thought I was in the 27's before and that it went down... Man, I need to be more optimistic there. I am happy to say that my count is above 25 and getting closer to 30.
9th Draw: 30.4 - It is over 30 people!!! Amen to that. Unfortunately it is still in Zone 1 so that means I am still on the shots. But the DH and I are so thankful that my progesterone and my body are finally producing more progesterone....

Just ask for more prayers that my progesterone keeps going up and that one day soon, I will be off the shots.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Progesterone Again...

We had to go to the hospital today because all of the other places to get my blood drawn were close. It was an in and out thing. Thank God.

We headed over to Grandma M's house for a 4th of July celebration. It was good. I brought my own food because they were having deli meat and I cannot eat it. After we finished hanging out over there, I had to come home for the dreaded shot. For the first time ever, the DH drew back and blood came out. So we had to start over and start a second shot. This time I felt it... every single thing the DH did. Thankfully it is over and there are two band-aids on my rear-end.

Also on a side note, we picked up the book, The Happiest Baby on the Block.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

20 Weeks - Halfway there!!!

How far along?: 20 Weeks (YAY for being halfway there!!!)
How big is baby?: Size of a small cantaloupe
Weight gain/loss?: Gained some weight.
Stretch marks?: None. I've been putting lotion on my tummy.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of maternity pants and regular shirts
Sleep?: Sleep has gotten better... Peeing a lot.
Food cravings?: I do love hamburgers, chicken, steak and ice cream... And pickles.
Movement?: More butterfly sensations against my belly. (Can't wait for them to get stronger. :)
Gender?: Less than 2.5 weeks til we see our baby. A little anxious to find out if we are having a boy or a girl but I know God is preparing us for our little miracle. :)
Belly button?: Its the same... slightly changing. :)
What are you looking forward to this week?: Just to keep growing and getting closer to finding out the sex of the baby.

Things We are Thankful For

- Air conditioner is fixed momentarily (Will have to replace it at the end of summer or beginning of Spring 2012)
- Fridge is working now (Yes - two things went wrong in one day.. Thank God it is working)
- I have not gotten sick for 15 days now. Thank you God!!
- Today I went without a pill

I know the list is small but that is a lot for us to be thankful for in just a few days.