Sunday, April 3, 2011

7 weeks pregnant & the size of a blueberry

I'm 7 weeks pregnant!! :) And closer to our second ultrasound (10 week mark!!). I'm tired and get really bad headaches in the morning. I also think it is a combination of the weather changing and me being pregnant. Nothing a few tylenol during the day won't fix.

I think it is going to be so exciting to announce to our family on Easter that we are pregnant.

How far along?: 7 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of a blueberry
Weight gain/loss?: I haven't gain anything. Sorta shocked cuz I am coming off the cookie diet.
Stretch marks?: None
Maternity clothes?: Not yet... Too soon.
Food cravings?: Not really. But I do love my chicken fingers & french fries. :)
Gender?: I'm hoping for a girl but the DH tells me all the time that he told his sperm BOY!!!!! We will be figuring it out when the time is right. :)
Movement?: Not really... Too too soon.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Closer to our second ultrasound!!! :)

***Had to add one that said PREGNANT!!

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