Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Far Along?!

How far along?: 5 weeks 3 days
How big is baby?: Size of a Sweet Pea
Weight gain/loss?: Possible weight gain because of being off the cookie diet all of a sudden.
Stretch marks?: Nope
Maternity clothes?: Not yet. Too early.
Food cravings?: Salsa and chips. Spicy food. Chris thinks its hilarious. Not sure they are cravings but I do enjoy the above items. LOL.
Gender?: I'm thinking a boy. :)
Movement?: Too early.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Closer to our first sonogram that is on the 29th. :)

***Called the office this morning, the nurse was happy that I called and reassured me that I am doing everything that I can to help the baby and me get better. Temp has started to come down. Hoping to have more strength tomorrow. Especially since we close on our house!!!!! :)


  1. Uh oh haha, I didnt know the cravings started that early!!

  2. Oh and you have to change your about me section now! :0) This is Tricia, its making my sn funny numbers but at least I figured out how to comment now!

  3. I don't know if it is cravings... But it tastes soooo good!! :)
