Sunday, March 20, 2011

Finishing WK 4 and Starting WK 5

I am still tired but not as light-headed this weekend. Praise God for that. I was able to participate in all of SNAP's fundraisers.  SNAP was able to help a family purchase a communication device for one of our students. Praise God for that too.

Today, I got to spend time with Zoey. She is an adorable puppy (this week, she will turn 4 months old). She makes me want to nap and relax. Looking forward to having her at the house for good instead of these short days. Chris was busy packing everything. The doctor said I couldn't do a lot so Chris has stepped up to the plate to help.

Today is the last day of week 4 and we start week 5 tomorrow. I'm getting excited because we are closer to my second blood test and first sono. We're looking forward to seeing how my levels have increased since the first blood test on March 15.

Praying for everyone who is trying right now to have a baby. It is not always easy but with the help of God, anything is POSSIBLE. 

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