Thursday, March 31, 2011

8 months of marriages & 7.5 months of TTC

My DH and I have been through a lot in the past 8 months. We have been TTC since the night we got married. We didn't know something was wrong until November (right around Thanksgiving). DH was very strong when we found out the information and I think I was a wreck. And I only say that because the doctor wasn't going to help us until we learned Creighton. We learned Creighton fully in late January/beginning of February. We were so busy in February and March with staging the condo and preparing to move that we were truly not TTC. I know I have mentioned this before but we feel that God felt we were ready for this amazing miracle.

I know TTC has been hard for a lot of my friends and it was not easy for my DH and I. I do feel even though I didn't before that God does provide. He gives you a miracle when you least expect it if it is through adoption or blessing you with a pregnancy.

The DH and I have to be strong right now and give this all to God. God blessed us with this baby. We have to pray and trust for a healthy pregnancy and birth of our little miracle in November.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby E

Baby E is a little bean. Baby E has a great heart rate of 118. :) We go back to the doctor in 4 weeks. I'll be 10 weeks by then.

Progesterone shots hurt. I have a knot on my butt that hurts and has not gone away.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sono - what?!? Sonogram. :)

Today I went for my second blood test. It doesn't hurt as much as the shots hurt. Thank God for that. We should get the results tomorrow at the doctor's appointment. So excited for the first sonogram. The DH said he will be excited for the other sonograms when the baby isn't so small. I think it is going to be wonderful - no matter how big or small it is. :)

God is amazing. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Far Along?!

How far along?: 5 weeks 3 days
How big is baby?: Size of a Sweet Pea
Weight gain/loss?: Possible weight gain because of being off the cookie diet all of a sudden.
Stretch marks?: Nope
Maternity clothes?: Not yet. Too early.
Food cravings?: Salsa and chips. Spicy food. Chris thinks its hilarious. Not sure they are cravings but I do enjoy the above items. LOL.
Gender?: I'm thinking a boy. :)
Movement?: Too early.
Belly button?: No change
What are you looking forward to this week?: Closer to our first sonogram that is on the 29th. :)

***Called the office this morning, the nurse was happy that I called and reassured me that I am doing everything that I can to help the baby and me get better. Temp has started to come down. Hoping to have more strength tomorrow. Especially since we close on our house!!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Have a small fever today. Don't have a lot of strength today. Nervous about our baby.

I know we have a lot going on. Just hope it doesn't affect the baby.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Started WK 5 and Thankful for My Husband

Started week 5 today. Doing alright except that I didn't sleep last night. Today was the 3rd shot. Chris did a better job today with shot and he got me to laugh. So it didn't hurt today. We also realized that Chris forgot one step on Friday and that's why I cried.

I hope everyone is doing great.

You're in my prayers.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Finishing WK 4 and Starting WK 5

I am still tired but not as light-headed this weekend. Praise God for that. I was able to participate in all of SNAP's fundraisers.  SNAP was able to help a family purchase a communication device for one of our students. Praise God for that too.

Today, I got to spend time with Zoey. She is an adorable puppy (this week, she will turn 4 months old). She makes me want to nap and relax. Looking forward to having her at the house for good instead of these short days. Chris was busy packing everything. The doctor said I couldn't do a lot so Chris has stepped up to the plate to help.

Today is the last day of week 4 and we start week 5 tomorrow. I'm getting excited because we are closer to my second blood test and first sono. We're looking forward to seeing how my levels have increased since the first blood test on March 15.

Praying for everyone who is trying right now to have a baby. It is not always easy but with the help of God, anything is POSSIBLE. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quite happy! :)

From January 1st to March 1st, I have lost a lot of weight (almost 25pds). Now unto March 2nd, I got the approval to see Diane. Diane remembered who I was. I mean the lady sees a lot of ppl. She loved the fact that we learned about Creighton. We discussed going on progesterone pills after peak day #3. So we picked up my prescription and went on with our life.

Here is what is going on:  We sold our condo in 2 days. Found a house and our offer finally got accepted. We adopted an adorable puppy. Her name is Zoey. She is going to be a huge puppy. What else could you add to the mix? Let me tell you. On March 14, I felt like blah. I am tired beyond belief. We will call it exhaustion. Light-headness. I jokingly took a pregnancy test and guess what, ladies and gents? It was positive. Two pink lines popped up. Five pregnancy tests later, I had 6 positive tests total. Chris and I were excited. Now what? I had to get in touch with Diane. Unfortunately, I was not able to talk to Diane or anyone in their office til the morning. On Tuesday, March 15, I called the office and left messages. Chelsey, Diane's nurse, took the info I gave her and called Diane because she was out of the office. Diane told her we need to get into the office ASAP. It was a wonderful appt except for the reality that Chris was going to have to give me a shot twice a week. This will help us keep the baby. It will my body develop the progesterone needed. So Chris and I learned how to administer progesterone shots. And I just had my second round of shots on Friday. My butt still hurts but it is so worth it, right?

Please pray for my progesterone and hcg levels. We go in for a blood test on March 28th. We go for our first sonogram on March 29th. Looking forward to seeing the little poppyseed on a screen. So excited. :)