Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Dreaded ER

Yes, this momma-to-be went to the ER yesterday. One of my students fell yesterday and I stumbled/got pulled down by the student. All of a sudden, I was in dreaded pain. And two of my friends saw this and asked if I was okay. Being as stubborn as a mule, I said I was fine. I knew I was lying but I didn't want the attention. Did I mention one of my friends is the assistant in my DH's classroom? She went straight down there and told him. After all my kids left, I went to my DH's room and we talked. I called the doctor's office and they told me to rest for a few hours. If the pain did not go away by 3pm to call... So I did. They didn't return my phone call til after hours. Our only option for me was the ER. So around 4:30pm, that is where we went.

I had to pee in a cup, change into a gown... It wasn't what I wanted to do with my night. The doctor examined me and pushed really hard on my left side... Severe ligament pain he said.

And he also said he wanted to check on the baby. It was our first ultrasound without sound.... The baby's heart was beating (150s - 160s) but there was no precious sound coming through the speakers.. It was reassurance for me and the DH but I wanted to hear him or her. Some really cool things we saw were his or her ribs and his or her spinal cord... Plus you could see the head and an arm too.. The doctor didn't feel comfortable saying if it was a boy or girl. That's okay we will find out in a few weeks.

I was finally released around 6:45pm and headed to dinner with my brother-in-law and his friend. It was a great dinner and hopefully the next time we go to the hospital, I will be 39 to 40 weeks pregnant.

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