Sunday, June 12, 2011

17 Weeks & get to see Baby E on Friday!!

How far along?: 17 weeks
How big is baby?: Size of an onion
Weight gain/loss?: I have stayed roughly the same since the last appointment.
Stretch marks?: None - My boobs are getting stretch marks if that is possible. LOL.
Maternity clothes?: A combination of my old jeans and shirts and be bands... And some maternity jeans
Sleep?: Still not great... I have the pillows and what not... Still cannot get comfortable.
Food cravings?: None so far....
Movement?: None so far
Gender?: We won't know until my birthday. A little anxious but I know God is preparing us for our little miracle. :)
Belly button?: Its the same. :)
What are you looking forward to this week?: We go to the doctor in less than a week!!!! Morning Sickness to hopefully stop. Really bad cramps to go away cuz of the Zofran, progesterone shots & being pregnant.

Picture taken at 16 weeks & 6 days

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