Sunday, February 3, 2013

Baby 2 is on his or her way!!!

11 Weeks. <3 How far along?: 11 Weeks today How big is baby? Size of a fig. Weight gain/loss?: I feel like I haven't gained anything yet. Stretch marks?: Stomach looks amazing. Maternity clothes?: I love my maternity jeans. Still trying to get through my work day wearing regular pants with my be-band. Sleep?: Sleep is okay. I just try my hardest to empty my bladder before bed because of the progesterone suppository. Food cravings?: Not craving anything... Loving my fruit though & anything spicy. Movement?: No movement. Gender?: We just want a healthy baby. Belly button?: No belly button popping quite yet. A little bump action though. I believe its K's fault and my lack of exercising. LOL. What are you looking forward to this week?: Being one more week closer to the 2nd Trimester!!!

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