Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just the beginning....

10 things on my mind.....

1. I miss Chicago. My friends. My family.

2.  I don't like not knowing.... Trusting in God is a must but I haven't learned to let go.

3. Being married is amazing. challenging. beautiful.

4. TTC has been interesting... We have been TTC for 2 months now. (I know its only been a few months)

5. I love butterflies but dislike other bugs especially spiders.

6. I feel that God blesses you with beautiful challenges because He knows you can handle them.

7. I do not like green peppers in my meals except for when I am eating at Chipotle.

8. I always thought I wanted two kids.... With my husband's help, we are praying for 6.

9. I would love to live a simple life.

10. I wish we had more friends to double date with... That understand where we are coming from.

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