Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9 Months Already?!

Well, Kendall is 9 months today. Where has the time gone? Thank God we have videos and plenty of pictures to remember all of these wonderful moments. Kendall didn't want to see our peds dr today. She was quite fussy and tired. She has decided when Grandma is watching her that she no longer wants to nap. Oh baby girl. PS She looks so grown-up in her 8 month photos that Jennifer & Kristen took. Its crazy that she will be one soon.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Where did the time go?

I am officially slacking in the "blogging" department. Kendall is now 8 months old and she can do a lot of stuff since last post. Kendall has gone from rolling over to sitting up to army crawling to crawling..... And now pulling herself up on everything. Here are some pictures of her...
Pictures are from February, March, April and May. I will post more about our summer. I was so blessed to be home with her. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pictures of Kendall (the past almost 2 months) :)

Kendall's 1 month pictures are above....

Kendall's 2 month pictures are below....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Birth of Kendall Rae

I should have written this a long time ago... So my apologies.

On November 27th, we went into one of the local hospitals to start the induction process. I felt like it took forever to get situated and start the Cervidil. The Cervidil is used to soften/ripen the cervix. I had to have it in for 24hrs. So from 8:30pm to 8:30am, I was able to use the bathroom and that is it. They didn't want it come out. Let's just say there was no progress with the cervix but the Cervidil did start some contractions.

Next morning, November 28th, I was finally able to eat breakfast and take a shower because the Cervidil came out. They also wanted to give my body a break before they start the Pitocin. The Pitocin is supposed to make the contractions stronger and to induce labor. After they started the Pitocin, I was able to walk around and use the bathroom. The Pitocin did start up the contractions again and I was able to make it through a lot of them. Until about 10pm when I started asking for some pain meds through my IV. Each time they gave me the pain meds, they had to check my cervix and there was nothing going on down there. The nurses also explained that there was band-like thing (similar to a tight rubber band) around my cervix and it wasn't allowing anything to happen. After asking for pain meds the second time around, they informed my midwife about the problem. The nurses explained that they might have to forcefully break this band. My midwife came in to check the process and this band around my cervix. The midwife wasn't concerned about the band but the lack of progress and me suffering through the contractions. They took me off the Pitocin at 10pm because of how strong my contractions were. They also made the decision to break my water. Because I was 41 weeks and a few days along, my chance of having green liquid coming out was highly likeable. So they broke my water and it came true (insert tears). As the water came out, the midwife informed me that there was meconium and that I was going to be on watch. The midwife also talked to the DH and I about an epidural.. She said I was getting through the contractions but there is a difference between getting through them and suffering. She said I was suffering through them and that it wasn't good for me or the baby (esp in these new circumstances).

So at 12am on November 29th, the DH went to finally get dinner and I received my first ever epidural (not by choice). It really wasn't as bad as everyone seemed though I hope to God I never have to receive one again. After getting the epidural, I received a catheter. During the time I had the epidural, I was watched very very closely and was told to go to sleep. But how could I go to sleep when they kept coming in to tell me that the baby was in distress and I needed to switch positions. Finally at 1:30am, the midwife and Dr. S. came in and said we have no other choice, you are going in for c-section. In the middle of the chaos, I was put on oxygen and could barely hear what they were saying to me. The DH woke up to hear that we didn't have any other choice but a c-section. I think he was taken back and not sure where this came from. People were coming in and out of the room to make sure they had everything for the c-section. The DH was doing everything in his powers to calm me down. I was already shivering, needing warmth and so emotional because I didn't want a c-section. They gave the DH some scrubs and said we will come and get you. A phrase that a pregnant lady doesn't need to hear.

So they wheeled me away and into an operating room I went. They checked over everything (talking about tools that they needed and counting things). I was behind cold and they finally got me warm blankets. Thank God. All of a sudden, it got really quiet and they read off the time and all of my information. The DH was allowed to come in and they started the process. I didn't feel getting cut open or anything they were doing down there UNTIL.......... they had to get her out. I felt so much pressure. I was crying/screaming and in pain. I have never felt that uncomfortable or in that much pain.

At 2:35am on November 29th, our baby girl was born. They didn't let the DH cut the umbilicial cord because of the green meconium. They wanted to make sure she didn't have any of that in her body. It would have been really bad if she did. Thankfully she did not. The DH was able to cut a little bit of the cord. They left some for him so he could experience that as a new daddy. All of a sudden we heard some crying. It was a wonderful/emotional feeling. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the time she left my body to the table. The DH looks and is so proud.

I finally got to see her. I wasn't able to hold her, hold her until about 4:30am that morning. Here are a few pictures.

After being in recovery and away from the two most important people in my life, we were all reunited.

This picture above is just pure love.

**I'm still recovering from the c-section. My incision did get infected and is finally looking better. On January 16th, they are going to check my incision again to make sure everything is healing up fine.

Things I do know about Baby #2 - I will still be on progesterone (if we want to keep the baby). So that means more shots and pills and bloodwork. I will have to go into labor by myself before my 41 weeks. If I do not go into labor by myself, I will not get induced because there would be so many complications. We would schedule a c-section during my 41 weeks.